Imazine’s Test
- Become aware of the effects of consumer choices;
- Make an informed choice among the different ways in which needs can be met;
- Develop critical thinking when it comes to consumption;
- Differentiate wants from needs;
- Develop the reflex of researching a purchase before deciding to buy.
After reading Imazine’s Test (analysis table for consumer choices), students must assess scenarios and select the actions that represent responsible consumption.
- Imazine’s Test document;
- The Issues Imazine Faces document.
Remind students that a number of factors affect behaviour when it comes to purchasing choices. Companies also take advantage of these factors to push consumers to buy a range of products and services.
Explain to students that since arriving in the country of consumption, Imazine has faced choices at every step and no longer knows quite what to do faced with the many consumer choices available to him.
Ask students to draw up a list of questions they should ask themselves before buying anything. In short, encourage students to think about what they can do to become responsible consumers.
Divide the class into teams of four students.
Hand out a copy of Imazine’s Test to each team. Ask the teams to carefully read this sheet.
Go over the information with students:
- After reading this, what are your conclusions?
- Do you ask yourselves this type of question before making a purchase?
How can Imazine’s Test help you be a responsible consumer?
Distribute the scenarios fairly among the teams. See the document titled The Issues Imazine Faces, which must be photocopied then cut.
Tell students they must select the consumer choice they find most appropriate between two options. Explain that each decision must be justified: both the option selected and the option rejected.
Ask teams to prepare an analysis table using the three filters discovered in Imazine’s Test. For each issue, ask teams to mark their observations under the corresponding columns, where applicable.
Scenario | Usefulness | Environment | Justice |
Option 1 |
Option 2 |
Ask all teams to analyze the proposed issues and for team members to agree on an option.
Recommend that teams name one member to jot down arguments in writing.
Then invite teams to appoint a spokesperson who will tell the class about the outcome of their process.
Ask each team to present their assigned scenario to the rest of the class. After each presentation, ask students to vote by a show of hands for the choice they themselves would have suggested. For each scenario, ask the team to justify its choice.
Ask the rest of the class if they agree with the choice. Where necessary, flesh out the justifications.
Explain to students that Imazine’s Test is a useful way to reflect on consumer habits. Let them know that once properly integrated, the test will be useful to them in their day-to-day lives.
Go over the activity with the students. Ask them what they are taking away from it and what responsible consumer habits they already have. Check to see if they can make other actions part of their habits. Encourage them to recognize their best approach to making better consumer choices, etc.
Conclude the activity by reviewing the importance of responsible consumption and by reminding students of what they can do to help create a fairer, greener world with greater solidarity.