Through its RSS feeds, the Office de la protection du consommateur offers you a simple and free way to receive information in real time as it is released or updated on its Web site.
RSS feeds of the Office
Toutes nos actualités
Conseils, avis et mises en gardes
Poursuites et condamnations
Fermetures et faillites de commerce
Nouvelles de l'Office et de ses lois
Communiqués de presse
What are RSS feeds?
RSS feeds are news feeds. You can subscribe to them and be notified of the latest breaking news released on one or many pages of a Web site. This form of technology is used to receive update notices automatically.
How to read RSS feeds?
To read RSS feeds, you must install an RSS reader (also known as an "aggregator" or a content "aggregator") or an RSS Web module.
Some browsers have a default RSS reader. You can also purchase a reader by entering "RSS reader" or "RSS aggregator" in a search engine. Some RSS readers can be downloaded free of charge.
Subscribing in 4 easy steps
- Purchase an RSS reader.
- Click on the RSS icon of the feed you wish to subscribe to using the list of RSS feeds of the Office.
- Copy the URL address (http://www...) from the address bar of your Web browser.
- Paste this address in the appropriate field of your RSS reader or browser.