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You have received an email from the Office de la protection du consommateur informing you that your certificate has expired because you have not completed the renewal procedure... If you would like to continue or resume carrying out travel-related activities, you must complete a few steps to create a new online file in your name, to which the Office can associate your exam result.

Here is the procedure to follow:

  1. Create a clicSÉQUR account
    1. Go to the Travel Counsellor Certification Management page and access the online service;
    2. Click on "Create an account" in the right-hand box and follow the instructions;
  2. Once your clicSÉQUR account has been created, you will be redirected to the Office website. Click on "I wish to obtain a certificate" and fill out the certification file as indicated.
  3. Send an email to or reply to the cancellation email you received. Provide the following information:
    1. the number of the file you have just created, starting with "CCV" (e.g.: CCV20xxxxxxxxxx);
    2. the fact that you want your exam result to be transferred to this new file;
  4. You will receive an email from the Office, in which you will be instructed to access your file in the online Travel Counsellor Certification Management service to complete your application.

To avoid forgetting to renew your certificate next year, be sure to enter the renewal date in your agenda!

Note that if you have neither passed the exam nor entered into a contractual relationship with a travel agent in the last 2 years, you will have to pass the exam once again.

Read this before creating an account

It is important that the email address associated with your clicSÉQUR account be an address to which you will always have access, even if you change employers. Otherwise, you may have difficulty accessing your file if you forget your clicSÉQUR user code or password.

In addition, we recommend that you take note of your user code and password, as you will have to go back to your profile on a regular basis.

Need help?

Last update : May 21, 2024

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The information contained on this page is presented in simple terms to make it easier to understand. It does not replace the texts of the laws and regulations.