Only certain individuals can ask the Office de la protection du consommateur to withdraw a formal notice from their public profile in the Get Information About a Merchant tool:
- the consumer(s) who signed the formal notice;
- the merchant(s) or representative(s) that are the subject of the formal notice.
Withdrawal request submitted by the consumer
Have you written a formal notice that is listed in the Get Information About a Merchant tool and would like to have it withdrawn? You could, for example, make such a withdrawal request if you have reached a satisfactory amicable settlement with the merchant.
Your request will be accepted upon receipt. Please note, however, that the formal notice in question will remain in the Office’s files.
Withdrawal request submitted by the merchant
If a merchant would like to have a formal notice associated with its profile withdrawn, the merchant may only submit a request to that effect in one of the following situations:
- the person in charge of service quality at the Office has come to the conclusion that one of the 11 criteria for publication was not respected;
- the merchant provides documents that demonstrate that a court has ruled in its favour in the litigation that is the subject of the formal notice;
- the merchant certifies in writing that it never received a copy of the formal notice.
If the merchant’s application fails to meet any of these criteria, it still has the option of asking that a note be added to the formal notice associated with its profile.
Formal notice not received
If a merchant certifies that it never received a copy of the formal notice mentioned in the Get Information About a Merchant tool, a representative of the Office will inform the consumer involved. This representative will suggest to the consumer that the Office send the formal notice to the merchant.
The formal notice will be withdrawn from the merchant’s profile if either of the 2 following situations occurs:
- the consumer refuses to have a copy of the formal notice sent to the merchant;
- the consumer cannot be reached within 14 days.
Procedure to submit a withdrawal request
Consumers or merchants must submit a written request in order for a formal notice to be withdrawn from a merchant’s profile. This written request must include:
- the name of the person who signed the formal notice;
- the name of the merchant concerned;
- the date of the formal notice;
- the reason for submitting a request to withdraw the formal notice.
The request may be sent by email or by mail.
Qualité des services
Office de la protection du consommateur
100, rue Laviolette, rez-de-chaussée, bur. 11
Trois-Rivières (Québec) G9A 5S9
The person in charge of service quality at the Office will analyze the withdrawal request within 30 days after receiving it.
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