The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.


TitleQuantity in FrenchQuantity in English
The Compensation Fund for Customers of Travel Agents – Your Money Is Protected (Folder, 2024) ) VIEW THE DIGITAL VERSION
Aînés et consommation : des droits à faire valoir (Guide, 2021) VIEW THE DIGITAL VERSION Unavailable
Being an Informed Consumer in Québec – Services for immigrants (Folder, 2021)
Contracts related to funeral services and the purchase of a sepulture (Brochure, 2021)
Paiement minimum : intérêt$ maximum$ (Folder, in French only, 2020) Unavailable
Saviez-vous qu’il existe 3 types de garanties? (Folder, in French only, 2018) Unavailable
Advertising (Folder, French: 2012, English: 2006) Out of stock
Purchases made online, by telephone or by mail (Folder, French: 2012, English: 2008) Out of stock
Advertising Directed at Children under 13 Years of Age (Guide to the Application of Sections 248 and 249 Consumer Protection Act, 2012) VIEW THE DIGITAL VERSION
Your Kids and Ads (Brochure, French: 2008, English: 2009) VIEW THE DIGITAL VERSION
Overdue Accounts (Folder, French: 2012, English: 2007) Out of stock

Promotional items

TitleQuantity in FrenchQuantity in English
Aide-mémoire sur la Politique d’exactitude des prix (Small card, in French only, 2024) Unavailable
Le site Web de l’Office – Pour connaître et respecter vos obligations de commerçants (Bookmark, in French only, 2021) Unavailable
Le site Web de l’Office, la porte d’entrée des consommateurs informés « Section pour les consommateurs » (Bookmark, in French only, 2013) Unavailable

Promotional posters (organizations, schools or businesses only)

TitleQuantity in FrenchQuantity in English
Un vendeur à votre porte? (Poster 11"x 17", in French only, 12-2024) Unavailable
Aînés et consommation (Poster 11"x 17", in French only, 2024) Non disponible
Fonds d’indemnisation des clients des agents de voyages – Votre argent est protégé (Poster 11"x 17", in French only, 2023) Non disponible
Être un consommateur averti au Québec (Poster 11" x 17", in French only, 2023) Unavailable
Votre achat automobile à la loupe (Poster 11" x 17", in French only, 2023) Unavailable
Saviez-vous qu’il existe 3 types de garanties (Poster 11,5" x 27", in French only, 2017) Unavailable

Contact Information



Last update : April 10, 2024

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