When you make a purchase online, the merchant must provide you with a copy of the contract within 15 days of the purchase. You must be able to save and print it easily. The contract must contain certain required information.
Contents of the written contract
The contract must indicate your name, your address and the date of the purchase. It must also contain all the information that the merchant was required to provide to you before your purchase. This information can be found on the page Getting all required information.
The Office de la protection du consommateur recommends that you keep a copy of your contract. This could be useful in case of a problem with the goods or services purchased.
Your rights in case of a problem
If the merchant fails to send a contract within 15 days, or you receive a contract that is incomplete or contains information that is different from that provided before the purchase, you can cancel your purchase and return the product at the merchant’s expense. The page Cancelling an online purchase indicates the terms and time limits.
Exceptions: copy of the contract not mandatory
Merchants are not required to provide a copy of the contract for certain types of online purchases:
- prearranged funeral services and pre-purchased sepultures;
- goods that may perish quickly, for example, food products;
- goods purchased by auction, as defined by article 1757 and subsequent sections of the Civil Code of Québec;
- lottery tickets (from Loto-Québec, for example).
Last update : May 25, 2021
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