You fell for a fake contest. You sent money or purchased a product to receive your prize. Unfortunately, the product is of dismal quality or the prize turned out to be a worthless object. You have recourse options. Refer to the sections that cover online purchases or purchases made by phone or by mail to cancel a purchase made online, by phone or by mail.
Reducing the number of offers you receive
To reduce the number of offers sent to you by mail, you can register with the Canadian Marketing Association’s Do Not Mail Service
False or misleading statements
A company may contact you to inform you that you have won a prize, such as a trip. The company will ask you to meet with one of its representatives at its offices or at your home. During this meeting, the representative will try to sell you products or services. These misleading statements are illegal. We suggest you file a complaint with the Office de la protection du consommateur.
Last update : November 29, 2021
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