The Office de la protection du consommateur does not govern how contests and draws are held, but it governs their promotion.
Clear terms and conditions
The law requires that organizers of promotional contests and draws clearly explain all of the terms of the contest or draw and the conditions to receive their prizes.
Here are examples of terms and conditions:
- a description of the prize;
- the contest’s territorial limits;
- the participation rules.
Example of an offence: a promotional contest advertises a $50,000 grand prize. The actual prize, however, is a lottery ticket to win a grand prize of $50,000. The prize description is misleading.
Holding a contest or a draw
If you have any doubts about whether or not a promotional contest is held in accordance with the rules, you can consult a legal advisor.
With regard to draws, you can obtain information, file a complaint or report a situation by contacting the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux.
Last update : February 11, 2025
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