Is your vehicule broken? The following tips may be of interest before having it repaired.

Garages are required to post a sign with the hourly rate they will charge for repairing your vehicle. This sign must be prominently displayed in order for you to be aware of your rights.

Text displayed on the sign

Avis aux consommateurs

I – En vertu de la Loi sur la protection du consommateur (chapitre P-40.1), lorsqu'un consommateur fait effectuer une réparation d'automobile ou de motocyclette dans cet établissement, le commerçant doit, pour une réparation de plus de 50 $ :

  • fournir une évaluation écrite, si cette réparation excède 100 $;
  • fournir une facture détaillée de la réparation effectuée;
  • remettre les pièces remplacées si le consommateur l'a exigé au moment où il a demandé de faire la réparation.

II – Tarif horaire de la main-d'œuvre : .....$.

III – Une réparation d'automobile est garantie pour 3 mois ou 5 000 kilomètres selon le premier terme atteint.

Une réparation de motocyclette est garantie pour 1 mois, sans limite de kilométrage.

La garantie prend effet au moment de la livraison de l'automobile ou de la motocyclette.

Ces dispositions ne constituent qu'un résumé des droits du consommateur. Ces droits peuvent comporter des restrictions. Pour plus de détails, le consommateur aura avantage à consulter les articles 167 à 181 de la Loi sur la protection du consommateur et, au besoin, à communiquer avec l'Office de la protection du consommateur.

Merchant obligations

When the cost of the repairs is greater than $50, garages are required to:

When the cost of the repairs is greater than $100, garages must also provide you with a written evaluation.

Tires and batteries

The law does not consider the following to be repairs:

  • the sale and installation of tires, if billed at the same time;
  • the sale and installation of a battery, if billed at the same time.

Before making repairs that will cost more than $100, garages must provide you with a written evaluation. Garages must do this free of charge, unless they indicate the exact fee prior to preparing the evaluation.

If you have signed a document printed by the merchant to decline this evaluation, this document has no legal value. To decline the evaluation, you must write and sign a document yourself.

Information contained in the evaluation

The evaluation must contain the following information:

  • your name and address and those of the garage;
  • the make, model, and license plate number of the vehicle;
  • a description of the repairs and the total cost;
  • the parts to be installed and their condition (new, used, remanufactured or refurbished parts);
  • the date;
  • the period for which the evaluation is valid.

Decling repairs

If you decide not to proceed with the repairs, the garage cannot charge additional fees, for example for reassembling the engine. Your car must be returned to you in the same condition as when you brought it. If the garage wishes to charge such fees, it must include them in the amount charged for the evaluation.

Authorizing repairs

You must provide your authorization before the garage can proceed with the repairs. Additionally, the garage cannot perform any repairs that were not specified in the evaluation without your consent.

The garage cannot charge you more than the total price stated in the evaluation. Only fees for additional repairs authorized by you can be added.

Repairs performed under warranty

Garages are not required to provide an evaluation if the repairs are performed for free, usually because they are covered by a warranty.

At the time you authorize the repairs, you can request that the parts that will be replaced be returned to you when you pick up the vehicle.

The garage can only refuse to return replaced parts when:

  • the repairs are performed for free;
  • the parts were replaced by remanufactured or refurbished parts;
  • the parts must be returned to the manufacturer or distributer as the repairs were performed under warranty.

After performing the repairs, the garage must provide you with a detailed invoice that contains:

  • your name and address;
  • the name and address of the garage;
  • the vehicle description (make, model, and license plate number);
  • the date of delivery of the vehicle to the client and the number of kilometres showing on the odometer (on this date);
  • the repairs performed;
  • the name of each part installed (specifying if it is new, used, remanufactured or refurbished) and the price of each one;
  • the number of hours of labour billed, the hourly rate and the total cost of labour;
  • the amount of applicable taxes;
  • the warranty details;
  • the total cost.

The total cost must not exceed the total price stated in the evaluation, although the cost of additional repairs authorized by you can be added.

Last update : March 5, 2025

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The information contained on this page is presented in simple terms to make it easier to understand. It does not replace the texts of the laws and regulations.