If you signed a contract with a door-to-door television service provider, you can cancel this contract without paying any fees or giving any explanations within 10 days after receiving your copy of the signed contract.
Concluding a contract with an itinerant merchant gives you specific rights. These rights are additional to those presented on the pages about:
How to calculate the 10-day delay
The 10-day delay starts the day after you receive your copy of the signed contract.
If you receive your copy of the contract on a Tuesday, you can cancel your contract up until Friday of the following week. If the 10th day is on a weekend or falls on a statutory holiday, the deadline is postponed to the following work day.
How to cancel a contract
You must notify the service provider in writing of your intentions to cancel the contract. The Office de la protection du consommateur recommends that you use registered mail. You can either:
- use the cancellation form that the service provider must attach to the contract;
- write a letter.
In legal terms, cancelling a contract is known as “contract cancellation”. This means that the service provider and yourself must go back to the situation you were in before you signed the contract together. If you have already given money to the provider, they must refund you within 15 days after receiving the cancellation form or letter.
Cancelling within one year
In some cases, you can cancel a contract within one year after the day both parties signed the contract (the provider and yourself). For more information, see Cancelling within one year.
Last update : July 8, 2024
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