The Internet access service provider must give you a written contract for Internet access services. Check if the contents are consistent with what you were told.

Required content for all Internet access service contracts

All Internet access service contracts must include the following elements on the first page:

  • a detailed description of each of the services specified in the agreement;
  • the monthly fee for each service;
  • the total amount you will be charged each month;
  • a description and the list price of products sold or offered free with purchase, such as a modem or a router;
  • the duration and the end date of the contract;
  • the contract cancellation terms.

Contracts concluded online or by phone

Before you enter into an agreement with a service provider on its Web site or by phone, the service provider must give you information including:

  • the name, address, telephone number, and if applicable, the fax number and electronic address of the business;
  • a detailed description of the services specified in the agreement;
  • the total amount you will have to pay, according to your contract, and the payment terms;
  • the cancellation terms.

To find out more about what information the service provider must give you, see the pages about:

The service provider must send you a copy of the contract (for example, by email or by standard mail) within 15 days of its conclusion. The contract must contain:

  • the information that must be included in all Internet access service contracts;
  • all the information that the service provider was required to give you before your acceptance of the offer.

Contracts concluded with an itinerant merchant

If you sign a contract at your home with a service provider using door-to-door vendors, the contract must contain information specific to itinerant merchants in addition to the information required in all Internet access service contracts. See What a contract with an itinerant merchant contains for more details.

All contracts concluded in person

All contracts concluded in person with a service provider, for example in-store or from an itinerant merchant, must be clearly and legibly written on paper in two copies.

The service provider must first sign the last page of the original and the duplicate, and must then:

  • allow you look it over;
  • ask you to sign the last page of the original and the duplicate;
  • provide you with a copy of the contract.

Filing a complaint

If your service provider has not respected the above regulations, you can contact the Office de la protection du consommateur to find out about your options for recourse and to file a complaint. See Contact us to find out how to reach us.

Last update : June 10, 2024

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The information contained on this page is presented in simple terms to make it easier to understand. It does not replace the texts of the laws and regulations.