Before you sign up for a rewards program, the loyalty program merchant is required to give you certain information.

Mandatory information

The merchant must inform you in writing of:

  • the conditions to receive exchange units (points, dollars, stamps, etc.);
  • the applicable terms under which these units can be redeemed;
  • the terms under which the exchange units will expire, if applicable;
  • the rate used to convert the exchange units to another form of exchange unit, if applicable.

Changing the agreement

Generally speaking, your agreement can not unilaterally be changed by you or the merchant. For more information on this subject, refer to either of the following pages:

Exemptions for "small" programs

Some merchants are not required to abide by the rules provided for by law that govern rewards programs. Refer to the page on programs not covered.

Last update : May 3, 2021

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