Many merchants offer weight loss products online. Before buying any, it is important to do some verifications. You may be interested in the following information.
Before purchasing weight loss products online, make sure you have the following information.
Receiving all required information
Merchants are required to provide you with certain information before you make a purchase. They are also required to provide you with the option of accepting, refusing or correcting the offer, and to send you a written contract. To find out more, go to the Getting all required information page.
Verifying the merchant's identity
Make sure you are doing business with a trustworthy merchant whose website provides complete contact information. To find out more, go to the Verifying a merchant's identity page.
Inquiring about exchange and refund policies
Find out about the merchant's exchange and refund policy. The law does not require merchants to refund, exchange or credit an item you no longer want because you have changed your mind. Merchants are required, however, to inform you of their exchange and refund policies before you finalize the transaction.
Have you purchased a weight loss product online? If the merchant fails to respect certain obligations, you can cancel your purchase free of charge. This would be the case, for example, if the merchant does not deliver the product within the agreed-upon time frame. You have to act quickly, however, because the prescribed deadlines are short.
To find out more about the situations in which you can cancel your purchase, go to the Conditions to cancel an online purchase page.
Last update : February 28, 2023
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