Prearranged funeral services, or “funeral prearrangements,” are divided into 2 categories that must be the subject of 2 separate contracts:

  • the prearranged funeral services contract; and
  • the prepurchased sepulture contract.

These contracts must be entered into separately while the concerned person is alive. They can be purchased by another person if these conditions are respected.

Prearranged funeral services contract

This contract includes all of the goods and services provided concerning the death, excluding the sepulture and its maintenance. Among other things, it may contain:

  • the embalming;
  • the viewing;
  • decorations;
  • transportation;
  • the coffin or urn;
  • the funeral monument;
  • the ceremony;
  • the cremation;
  • the burial.

Prepurchased sepulture contract

This contract involves the purchase of a compartment or any other space in a cemetery, columbarium or location used for a similar purpose. Maintenance services for this space are also included.

Last update : May 3, 2021

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