A credit broker is an intermediary. At your request, he or she will look for a financial institution, a financing company or other credit merchant that would agree to lend you a sum of money or provide you with another form of credit.


The broker is not allowed to request payment from you in exchange for his or her services, except if he or she is a member of a professional corporation (in French only).

Tips for dealing with a broker

If you are taking out a loan secured by a mortgage and you are meeting with a real estate broker, check with the Autorité des marchés financiers whether the broker holds the required licence.

In the event of any problems

Certain brokers will try to take advantage of your vulnerability if you have already had difficulty negotiating a loan. They could, for example, publish ads under headings such as “Money to Lend” or “Financial Services” in the newspaper to attract your business.

You can contact the Office de la protection du consommateur to report a broker who has caused you harm.

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Last update : September 10, 2024

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