Have you had maintenance or repair work done on a leased item?
The merchant cannot charge fees at the end of the lease because a part or component is not an OEM part or component or that the maintenance work was done by someone other than the manufacturer or another business approved by the merchant. The merchant is prohibited from doing so, even if it was provided for in your contract. Such a clause is illegal.
The merchant also cannot charge fees at the end of the lease because the nature or quality of a part or component installed as part of regular maintenance is deemed unsatisfactory. The merchant may only do so if the leasing contract clearly specifies that the item can only be returned with a part or component of a determined nature or quality.
Leased vehicle
Sometimes, fees are charged at the end of a long-term leasing contract for a vehicle. Such fees may be charged in relation to the vehicle’s wear, its kilometrage, tire replacement, etc.
Refer to the page titled Fees Charged When Returning a Leased Vehicle to find out more.
Last update : July 30, 2024
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