You only have to reimburse the amount owing, nothing more. The Office de la protection du consommateur recommends that you ask for a receipt after making a payment.

When a creditor claims a supplement

The creditor is not allowed to charge you a supplement, regardless of the reason. For example, the creditor is not allowed to charge you an additional amount such as a collection fee.

After each payment

The Office recommends that you ask the creditor to give you a receipt after each payment.

After the final payment

Once the debt has been reimbursed in full, the Office recommends that you ask the creditor to give you a release. This is a receipt that confirms that a final payment has been received.

You should also check whether your credit file is up to date. It is important to make sure the information it contains is accurate. Merchants refer to your credit file to check your ability to pay when you apply for credit.

To consult your credit file, you can contact companies such as Equifax or TransUnion Canada. Fees are charged for this service.

Last update : September 10, 2024

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