After making a cash payment, the collection agent must give you a receipt, without you having to ask for one. The receipt must be given to you within 10 days after making your payment.
If you use another method of payment, you may ask for a receipt in writing. The agent has 10 days to give you the receipt in this case as well.
Final payment
What happens if you have not fully reimbursed the amount owing, but you and the collection agent have agreed that your payment was considered final? The agent must give you a receipt (called a “release”) within 10 days after the payment is made.
The release confirms that a final payment has been received. Among other things, it must indicate:
- the date on which the payment was made;
- the name of the creditor (e.g. the financial institution or the business to whom you owed money) and the information about the debt for which the payment was received;
- your name and address;
- the amount that was owed;
- the amount received.
If you have paid the total amount that was claimed, you may also request a receipt that proves the reimbursement.
Credit file
Once the money has been reimbursed, you should check whether your credit file is up to date. It is important to make sure that the information it contains is accurate, as merchants refer to your credit file to check your ability to pay when you apply for credit.
To check your credit file, you can contact Equifax or TransUnion Canada. Fees are charged for this service.
When an agent claims a supplement
You only have to reimburse the amount you owe. The collection agent is not allowed to charge you any additional amounts, regardless of the reason. The page titled Refusing to Pay a Supplement provides information on this subject.
Last update : September 10, 2024
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