The contract with a fitness and weight management centres must include:

  • the number of the permit delivered by the Office de la protection du consommateur;
  • the merchant’s name and address;
  • your name and address;
  • the place and date the contract was signed;
  • a description of the services to be provided;
  • the date on which the services will start being offered;
  • the address where the services will be offered;
  • the duration of the contract (for a maximum of one year);
  • the total amount you will have to pay;
  • the terms of payment;
  • a clause that explains the cancellation terms. This clause is presented in section 47 of the Regulation respecting the application of the Consumer Protection Act.

The centre must give you a copy of the signed contract, along with a cancellation form. You can use this form if you wish to cancel your contract.

Renewal clause

Does your contract contain a clause that states it will be renewed automatically for a fee? Caution: it is prohibited to include such a clause in a fitness or weight-management contract. The Renewing a membership page provides further information on this topic.

"Lifetime" memberships

Some fitness centres offer "lifetime" memberships. A high membership fee is charged for the first year, and the contract is renewed automatically in subsequent years. The fitness centre is then required to provide you with a new contract every year or complete the renewal procedure in accordance with the terms provided for by regulation.

The Office wishes to caution you against this practice. If the centre were to close its doors in the near future, you may have problems getting your money back.

Total value of the contract

The contract must indicate the total amount you will have to pay. This amount includes:

  • the cost of the membership or session;
  • membership, registration, evaluation and administration fees, as well as fees charged to open a file, if applicable;
  • taxes.

Terms of payment

A fitness or weight-management centre cannot:

  • collect payment or a deposit before you start receiving services. You start receiving services when, for example, you have access to fitness equipments or when a fitness program starts;
  • collect payment in one instalment. The total amount of the invoice must be paid in at least 2 approximately equal instalments. The instalments must be claimed at regular intervals, for example, at the start and midway point of your membership. A merchant cannot offer a discount in exchange for a payment made in one instalment.

Exceptions: payment made in one instalment

A merchant can demand payment in one instalment in either of 2 situations:

  • the total value of the services is $100 or less (including taxes);
  • the services are provided over 3 days or fewer, regardless of their total value.

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Last update : January 15, 2025

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The information contained on this page is presented in simple terms to make it easier to understand. It does not replace the texts of the laws and regulations.